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Information on Mesothelioma Claims

Actually asbestos exposure is widespread. It was used as a building material and only banned in 1989 but the existing asbestos structures remained. However asbestos is imported from other countries still. Asbestos was introduced as its fibers can withstand fire and chemicals. Asbestos was used mainly in construction and automobile industry. Most cases of mesothelioma are caused by asbestos exposure in the workplace. The fibers are inhaled or swallowed. Even people who lived near an asbestos mine can be infected. As with other diseases if the patient is a smoker it increases his risk of developing cancer in the lungs.

Treatment for this dreaded disease depends on patient's age and general health. As with other cancers patients are given radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. Sadly the survival rate is rather low, with a maximum of five-years with treatment. The first symptoms are weight loss difficulty breathing, dyspnea, abdominal or chest pain. Pleural effusion or fluid in the lungs is generally thought to be a warning sign for possible impending mesothelioma. The reason such cases are hard to track is that the workers showed symptoms up to 15 years after being exposed to asbestos.

In cases where people have suspected that they may have the symptoms of asbestosis they have been advised to first of all find a good lawyer. This is the first step in filing a case against the company that the individual worked for when the fatal exposure to asbestos occurred. Finding an efficient lawyer for personal injury is as important as getting the best medical assessment.

A settlement is possible that permits a mesothelioma case to be resolved without a trial. The legal process has been put in place so that anyone who has tragically been diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos cancer is rightfully entitled to compensation. This amount can vary between thousands to millions of dollars. This is recovered from rich companies to compensate innocent workers.

There are specialized mesothelioma lawyers who are extremely knowledgeable about the deadly effects of asbestos. This is a no mean feat as the manufacture and use of asbestos containing products may have occurred many years prior to the actual filing of the case. The lawyers need to research on specific products that were either manufactured or utilized by the unfortunate workers who develop mesothelioma.